 |  | Citadel Warhammer Marauder Miniatures Chaos Mm26 Orc War Machine D&D Mini Figure $75.00 |  |
 | 1 Metal miniature, Chaos army, Warhammer, Avatars of War, Lord's Of Chaos, D&D, $40.00 |  |
 |  | 1990s Chaos Warrior Chariot Games Workshop Warhammer Army New in box Oop #N $107.96 |  |
 | Chaos Lord on Karkadrak Slaves to Darkness Warhammer Aos Presale Painted Gallery $214.50 |  |
 |  | Custom Chaos War Mammoth $85.00 |  |
 | 1987 Chaos Dwarf Bazooka Crew C22 Firer Weapons Team 0312 Citadel War Machine Gw $23.03 |  |
 |  | Games Workshop Staff Exclusive 2003 Limited Edition Chaos Knight 54mm $153.54 |  |
 | 3x Revenant Seekers Painted Sylvaneth Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $34.99 |  |
 |  | 1990 Marauder Mm93 Chaos Beastmaster with Hounds Warhammer Army War Dog Handler $97.24 |  |
 | Nightstalker Terror Kings of War Mantic for Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Demon Mantic $49.95 |  |
 |  | Whfb, Chaos Dwarf War Machine, 1990's, Multi-Listing $23.95 to |  |
 | 1987 Chaos Dwarf Tenderiser 0215 Ch3 Citadel War Machine Warhammer Army Hordes $143.30 |  |
 |  | 8x Dryads Painted Sylvaneth Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $20.99 |  |
 | Proainted Iron Golems Warcry Aos Wfb Collectible Figure for wargames $190.00 |  |
 |  | Painted Underworlds Shadespire Aos Warcry collection miniatures for Wargames Wfb $99.00 |  |
 | 5x Auric Hearthguard Fyrslayers Dwarfs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $37.99 |  |
 |  | 25mm Warhammer Fantasy Wgs painted Blades of Khorne Khorne Chaos Lord -1 $69.00 |  |
 | 1988 Chaos Warrior of Slaanesh 0217 05 Citadel Warhammer Army Hordes Fighter D&D $21.75 |  |
 |  | Nurgle Plaguecrushers Man O' War Metal Warhammer Fantasy Box Set Chaos 1993 $70.37 |  |
 | Iron Daemon War Engine Chaos dwarf forgeworld * Commission * painting $365.00 |  |
 |  | Auric Runefather Fyrslayers Dwarfs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $24.99 |  |
 | Warhammer Marauder Chaos War Griffin Body oldhammer Gw citadel Old World B25 $21.99 |  |
 |  | Abyssal Seductress - Kings of War Mantic Abyss 28mm Chaos Succubus Daemon Thg $12.99 |  |
 | 1992 Marauder Mm93 Chaos Beastmaster with Hounds Warhammer War Dog Handler Mib $65.00 |  |
 |  | Abyssal Dwarf Mega Army Kings of War Mantic 28mm for Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Thg $139.95 |  |
 | Fantasy War Gaming Set - Age of Sigmar Darkoath Oathbound, Unpainted Miniatures $112.09 |  |
 |  | 2002 Chaos Archaon Lord of the End Times Citadel Warhammer Warrior Cavalry Mib $115.16 |  |
 | Beorg Bearmen of Urslo Dogs of War Metal Chaos Marauders Warhammer The Old World $174.99 |  |
 |  | Warhammer Fantasy Aos Warhounds of Chaos, Metal - Citadel War Hounds Painted $60.00 |  |
 | Auric Runeson On Magmadroth Fyrslayers Dwarfs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $69.99 |  |
 |  | Realm Of Chaos Dwarf Renegade Juggernaut War Machines Metal Citadel 80s O604 |  |
 | Oop Citadel Warhammer Marauder Metal Mm43 Chaos Champion On War Griffon $84.00 |  |
 |  | Limbo Eternal War Miniatures Chaos Daemons Warhammer Gluttony $79.95 |  |
 | Runic Fyrewall Magmic Invocation Fyrslayers Dwarfs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $19.54 |  |
 |  | Chaos Classic Daemon Prince - Warhammer Fantasy Age of Sigmar Metal $30.00 |  |
 | 2004 Chaos Dwarf Hellcannon of Chaos War Machine Citadel Warhammer Army Engineer $244.38 |  |
 |  | God of war blades of chaos toy replica not metal new in bag $15.00 |  |
 | Druanti The Arch-Revenant Painted No Wings Sylvaneth Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $14.99 |  |
 |  | Abyssal Warlock Mantic Kings of War Abyss Demon Daemon Chaos for Warhammer 28mm $16.99 |  |
 | Games Workshop Man O War: Chaos Slaanesh Fleet Loose Painted Ships Yellow Flag $349.95 |  |
 |  | Oop Citadel Warhammer Fantasy Marauder Metal Mm43 Chaos Champion On War Griffon $69.99 |  |
 | Auric Runeson Fyrslayers Dwarfs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Aos $16.99 |  |
 |  | Chaos Lord on Karkadrak pro-painted Wfb Aos Collectible Figure for Wargame $159.00 |  |
 | Abyssal Dwarf Army Kings of War Mantic 28mm for Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Dwarves $92.95 |  |
 |  | 1992 Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur Axe 3 V2 Body 2 Renders Citadel Dwarves Dawi Zharr $63.98 |  |
 | Abyssal Lord of Lies - Kings of War Mantic Abyss Chaos Demon for Warhammer 28mm $67.95 |  |
 |  | Age of Sigmar Beasts of Chaos Beastmen Great Bray Shaman AoS Built No Base $18.99 |  |
![Citadel Miniatures - Wfb : Chaos Dwarf Warriors [Choose!] / Games Workshop 1986>](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZikAAOSwtJhiADpG/s-l140.jpg) | Citadel Miniatures - Wfb : Chaos Dwarf Warriors [Choose!] / Games Workshop 1986> $19.19 |  |
 |  | Abyssal Grotesques Kings of War Mantic Chaos Dwarf Dwarves for Warhammer Fantasy $39.95 |  |
| Click to see more Chaos items at www.ebay.com
Prices current as of last update, 03/05/25 9:11pm.